Sunday, 22 February 2009

Writer's Little Book Club and Words For You

What's the difference between the Writer's Little Book Club and Words For You.

I've had one or two people ask me so I thought I'd explain.

Words For You

Words For You is my writing business which I've been running over six years now. If you head over to you can see more about that side of what I do.

Writer's Little Book Club

Writer's Little Book Club came out of the work I did last year for some of my clients, helping them with various stages of the writing process. My first 'book client' so to speak was Becky Shaw whose book "Wonderfully Strange" about her experiences of the mental health system is due out any time now.

After I'd worked with her, I was asked to put on a workshop for 3 people who all wanted to write but hadn't got very far down the road. They enjoyed the workshop so much that they egged me on to put it into book format. Which is what I've done.

So the first book is out; Writer's Little Book... with Big Ideas.

This is intended to help you get going if you're stuck for inspiration, push you on if you're suffering from writer's block and show you all the different parts of the process.

Because the group of us who got together to write the book have such a wealth of experience, and love reading, writing and selling books, we decided to form the Writer's Little Book Club. My daft idea is to make it like a Puffin Club for adults with all sorts of training, activities and support.

We're still canvassing ideas from readers of the book so keep coming back to the site, to find out what we've added.

We look forward to being in contact at some point. We're intending to push all the training through the Club so join up - it's free.

We planning to have some fun with it while being very serious about helping you advance your writing.

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