Thursday, 26 March 2009

Writing: how to create confidence

What makes a confident person?

Most of us, especially in the UK would say that we could use more confidence. And over the last couple of days I've had several examples of that.

I listened to Simon Woodruffe, founder of Yo Sushi speaking. And to my surprise he admitted that in the early days his confidence was not as it should be. He came across as in your face and sure of himself but the inside didn't match the outside.

Also in the UK I've met many loud people who dominated the meeting, the room or the group. But they're not the ones who've impressed me the most over the years. One of the business writers I've met who have impressed me is Bob Bly.

Talkative yes, but not dominating and you don't mind him talking because he knows what he's doing and has proved it over the years with his work with companies, his courses and books.

The method that works for me in writing is to try it. Write, write again then write some more.

Write about what you know, what you love and what stirs you. Make the outside and the inside match up.

That's what creates confidence.

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